WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, always releases the best updates for its users, making it easier for them to connect with their loved ones and enjoy the experience.
WabetaInfo reported on Friday that the messaging app is adding another feature that will allow users to pin messages within chats and groups in a future update.
Through the Google Play Beta Program, the app is releasing the latest update, version
However, due to its inadequacy and ongoing development, the feature is currently unavailable to beta testers.
Users will have an easier time finding important messages in a conversation thanks to this feature.
However, the messaging app will “add a message in the conversation in order to ask to upgrade to the latest version available on the store” if a message is pinned but the recipient is using an outdated version of WhatsApp.
It can be difficult to keep track of messages in a group for friends, family, or work, so this feature would also help “improve organization” in the groups.
In order to let people know what’s important, these pinned messages will be easily accessible to everyone in the group chat.
The feature will be made available in an upcoming app update.