Posted time July 2, 2022 Location Islamabad, Others, Rawalpindi Job type Full Time

Build and optimize a secure web page for evolving business needs. Provide continued support for one or more web properties. Maintain communication with team members and supervisors concerning the direction of the website.

• Code and script applications.
• Perform routine site audits, as well as ongoing maintenance, on an as-needed basis.
• Website and software application designing, building, or maintaining.
• Using scripting or authoring languages, management tools, content creation tools, applications, and digital media.
• Conferring with teams to resolve conflicts, prioritize needs, develop content criteria or choose solutions.
• Directing or performing Website updates.
• Developing or validating test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types.
• Editing, writing, or designing Website content, and directing team members who produce content.
• Maintaining an understanding of the latest Web applications and programming practices through education, study, and participation in conferences, workshops, and groups.
• Back up files from Web sites to local directories for recovery.
• Identifying problems uncovered by customer feedback and testing, and correcting or referring problems to appropriate personnel for correction.
• Evaluating code to ensure it meets industry standards, is valid, is properly structured, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems.
• Determining user needs by analyzing technical requirements.

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