Instagram Beta Testing New Repost Feature



While users can share other users ’content on Facebook and Twitter, Instagram has always lacked such a feature. The social media platform may be trying to catch up to its competitors with an all-new new repost tool.

First spotted by assiduity critic Matt Navarra on the profile of Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri, the beta point is billed as a “new way to partake with followers.”

Druggies can “recommend” content that they suppose their followers would enjoy by not only participating it to their story, but also posting it on their own feed. Followers can also reply to the repost with a communication.

“We ’re exploring the capability to reshare posts in Feed — analogous to how you can reshare in Stories so people can partake what resonates with them, and so original generators are credited for their work,” a Meta prophet verified to TechCrunch. “We plan to test this soon with a small number of people.”

Although reposts have been available on Stories for a many times, the test marks the first time the point is available for a stoner’s main content feed.

Instagram has yet to partake further about its plans for the repost point, particularly regarding when and if it ever plans to ultimately roll it out to the public.

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